Work With Us

Application Process

Interested in Working with Us? Here’s the 4-Step Process to Get Started!

athlete questionaire

Apply Today

Fill out the initial application form here. This will make our discovery session as productive as possible. We’ll call back within 48 hours.

initial consultation

Discovery Session

The discovery session will be done via a 30-minute phone call to discover which coaching package works for your needs.

next steps

Make the Plan

Once coaching starts, we’ll fine-tune the plan to make sure we’re on the same page in what you want to achieve.

work the plan

Work the Plan

Once the plan is developed, we’ll begin working on your training based on your goals and the races you want to compete in.

How We “Work the Plan”

BSU Tri 101 2015

We prefer working with athletes for a full year or racing season to help them achieve their goals. Typically, we design training in one or two-week blocks, making adjustments as needed due to life’s demands and providing feedback based on your workouts.

Effective communication is crucial. The frequency and intensity of your training depend on factors like your athletic background, goals, and time constraints from family and work.

While we offer in-person sessions for local athletes in East Central Indiana, we also coach individuals globally through virtual platforms. Most of those interactions occur through email, phone calls, text messaging, and Zoom. Thanks to technology, virtual coaching has become the norm in endurance sports coaching, yielding successful results worldwide.

What You Need: Gear, Equipment, and Training

For our triathlon newbies, don’t fret about gear just yet—we’ve got you covered! But, spoiler alert: you’ll need a bike and your own swim, bike, and run gear down the road. Also, make sure you have a regular swim spot (preferably a pool) and a safe route for biking and running. A track for speed workouts wouldn’t hurt either. Oh, and don’t forget a device with GPS and a heart rate monitor to capture all the tri-action!

Advanced athletes are expected to already possess all these items.

But wait, there’s more! We highly recommend grabbing an indoor trainer because, let’s face it, who wants to play roulette with the weather for bike training? And here’s a pro tip: toss in a power meter for extra cycling prowess. it can contribute to more rapid improvements in cycling fitness and enhance the overall coaching and training experience. 🏊‍♀️🚴‍♂️🏃‍♂️

Ready to Apply?

If all of this sounds good, let’s do this!

You’re about to embark on an exciting journey towards triathlon greatness. Fill out the form below to kickstart your coaching adventure with us: